Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Term 1 Integrated Topic

I am learning to: Express my understanding of conflict.

Task: Make something to show what you know about conflict.

Before Learning

During Learning

After Learning

Student reflection on learning:
I learned conflict is mean and not nice.

Monday, 20 May 2013

Art Term 1

I am learning to:
·     Paint a portrait of what I want to be when I grow up.

Success Criteria:
·     All facial features are included and size, shape, and position of features is correct.

Next Steps:
·     Draw facial features the correct shape 

Friday, 17 May 2013

Writing Term 1

The wolf has spiky fur and has a nose that looks like a fire engine.

Using an animal skin we wrote a description of what a wolf looks like.

We are learning to
Write a description.

We can do this when we can:  
Use describing words.
Use our senses - looks like.
Edit our writing.

Next Step:
Add more detail to your writing.

Student Led Conference